Mobile Friendly Test – A Test to Check Responsiveness of Your Website on Mobile Devices 

Mobile Friendly Test

In today’s world, everyone has smartphones and its instrumental in changing the world of information and entertainment. Smartphones are considered as a handheld computer with multiple features. In fact, some of the countries have more Smartphones as compared to personal computers. More than 50% of traffic comes from mobile devices like Smartphones, tablets and iPads. It’s as simple as this, if your website isn’t mobile friendly you’re losing traffic as well as money. Search Console’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool is a quick, easy way to test whether your website is mobile- Friendly.

In the USA, over 90% people use smartphones to search information. Interestingly, Over 75% of mobile searches occur at home or at the workplace

What is Mobile Friendly Test

Mobile Friendly Test is a tool that allows checking the responsiveness of your website on mobile devices. It also tells about a website’s score in terms of mobile responsiveness that will help your developers to get specific instructions on what needs to be fixed and how. Make sure visitors will have a good experience on your site when they’re visiting from their mobile devices!

Google has been promoting mobile-friendly websites and has also added  Google mobile-friendly test as a part of the overall page ranking criteria.

How to Check if Your Site is Mobile Friendly

Here’s the easiest way to check if your website is mobile friendly.

1.  Use Google’s “Mobile-Friendly test” tool
  • There are a number of tools(paid and free)  available for   “Mobile-Friendly test” however I strongly recommend Google’s own Mobile-Friendly Test
  • Open Mobile-Friendly Test page and enter your websites URL.
  • Click “RUN TEST”  button and wait for your website to be analyzed by Google. Google will fetch the page and generate a detailed responsive report of your website that will help your developers to get specific instructions on what needs to be fixed and how. It may be also helpful for SEO purposes.


This Test is more about how Google search engine will see your site rather than how your mobile users might see it.

2.  If You PASSED “Mobile-Friendly” Test, Now What?

If you receive a green message “Page is mobile-friendly” then you should be fine.  You may also check all individual pages. You should also check out your website on your own mobile devices to see if it’s easy to navigate as well as reading the text without squinting or zooming in.


3. If You FAILED “Mobile-Friendly”  Test, Now What?

If your websites failed the mobile test, you will receive a red coloured message “Not mobile-friendly”. There are multiple responses to fail Mobile Test. Some of them are;

  • Website is not responsive
  • Readability issue or text is too small to read on mobile
  • Links are too close together
  • Mobile viewport is not set
  • Wider than the mobile screen


Select a responsive template/theme that adapts the display to the visitor, no matter whether  they are using a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.


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