5 Home Remedies to Relieve Tooth Pain Naturally

Home Remedies to Relieve Tooth Pain Naturally

Billions of people across the world are suffering from major untreated dental problems and the number has been rapidly rising over the last few years. Cavities in permanent teeth, also known as dental caries and periodontal diseases have historically been considered the most important global oral health burdens.  The natural remedies have powerful active ingredients that will soothe a toothache.  Let’s get to know more about home remedies to relieve tooth pain naturally through this article.

What is a toothache?

We’ve all experienced toothache in the past. It’s a pain that occurs in or around a tooth. It’s hard to ignore an aching tooth while eating or going about one’s day. Persistent pain in the tooth and surrounding gums urges us to find out how to get rid of a toothache.

What causes a toothache?

There are dozens of causes that can lead to a toothache like damaged or cracked tooth, teeth clenching or grinding, gum infection or gum disease exposed root surfaces and sinusitis. Third molars (wisdom teeth), the last permanent teeth to appear in the mouth, can also cause pain from the pressure of eruption, gum infection, or dental decay.

Toothache treatment depends on the cause of the pain and how much damage is present. Here are some home remedies to relieve tooth pain naturally  until you visit the dentist.

1. Clove oil

Toothache Clove oil

Clove oil works wonder on the toothache. Cloves are a traditional remedy for numbing nerves. Eugenol, the primary chemical element present in cloves is considered as a natural anaesthetic.

How to use:

Clove oil needs to be used carefully. Pouring the oil directly on the aching area can actually worsen the pain if you get it on sensitive gum tissue or on your tongue. Here are the ways to use the clove oil for a toothache:

  • Add 2 drops of clove on a cotton pad and place it on the affected tooth until the pain recedes.
  • Alternatively, you can take a whole clove and place it on the affected tooth and start chewing it in order to help it release some of its oils
2. Cold Compresses

Toothache ice

Cold compresses is an effective pain-relieving method when it comes to any kind of pain. You may use a cold compress to relieve tooth pain. By applying ice to the affected area, it can numb the nerves that cause pain and reduces swelling and inflammation. Ice also causes the blood vessels to contract so that they do not allow enough blood to pass through, thus making the pain less severe.

How to use it:

Do NOT apply ice directly on the affected tooth. Make sure you wrap a piece of cloth around it to protect it.

  • Put some ice in a plastic bag and wrap a thin cloth around the bag.
  • Apply on the outside area of the mouth on the affected side for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat every few hours.
3. Onions

Toothache Onions

Onion cures a toothache because it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It kills germs in the oral cavities, prevent them from spreading dental infection. The volatile sulfur compound present in onions, when coming in contact with saliva, form sulphuric acid which gives numbing effect, thus relieving pain.

How to use it:

  • Cut a  chunk of raw onion and start chewing on it on the affected area until the strong taste of it fades. It might make your eyes water, but it will likely help dull the pain.
  • Repeat the same process with another fresh piece of onion.
4. Sea salt

Toothache rock-salt

Sea Salt is known for its healing properties that play a vital role in maintaining the acid-alkali ratio, regulating heartbeat, relaxed sleep, along with providing relief from dental infection. It contains fluoride, which is beneficial for promoting dental health. Fluoride aids in protecting the teeth from acidic damage and prevents the development of caries and cavities. Regular rinsing and gargling with sea salt water help to alleviate mouth sores, bleeding gums, ulcers, and the pain of sore throats.

How to use it:

  • Mix half a teaspoon of sea salt into a glass of warm water.
  • Gargle and swirl around in your mouth until the glass finished. Saltwater cleanses the area around the tooth and draws out some of the fluid that causes swelling.
  • Repeat this treatment as often as needed.
5. Garlic

Toothache Garlic

Superfood garlic doesn’t end with adding flavour to food, it has been used for an astounding variety of medical applications for thousands of years. The pungent smell of garlic comes from Allicin, a compound present in it.  Allicin is a natural antibacterial agent which prevents tooth decay and kill germs that cause cavities.

How to use it:

  • Take a clove of garlic and start chewing on it on the side of the affected area or rinse with garlic water
  • Repeat if necessary until you feel the pain going away.

Please note that all these methods are temporary. If your pain persists for more than a day or two, see your dentist. They can provide guidance on the underlying cause of the pain and how to relieve your pain.

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